Hello, ladies! I hope you have had a good weekend! It was a pretty low-key weekend for us (no wild parties!). We had dinner at one of our favorite spots on Friday night. We are “bar’ people” and sit at the bar to eat whenever possible. We (my husband and myself) always tell people that we have talked to each other for forty years now and that it’s more fun to meet and talk to new people when you sit at a bar. Is anyone else a “bar” couple? We went to my brother’s home last night for a little get-together for his birthday. We were not the best grandparents this weekend! We forgot that we said we would keep our grandkids overnight last night (ooops!), so they ended up going to my brother’s with us!

Can you all believe that Christmas music is already playing and Christmas (fake, of course) trees are already being put up? It seems to get earlier every year, but this year seems super early. Maybe because the world looks a little dark right now,  Christmas music and decorations are happy things, and we all need that. With the holidays quickly approaching, I will be showing some party looks and gift guides in the coming weeks. I ordered this holiday velvet suit (blazer and pants) a few weeks back, and it is such a fun look to wear together and separately. This is the perfect girls’ night out, date night, or luncheon look, plus the price point is fantastic! I love this beautiful floral metallic blouse (on sale) paired with the velvet suit.

I found this metallic bag I’m carrying (it comes in gold, too) last week and know I will use it a lot. The chain can be taken off and worn as a bracelet. How clever! The metallic loafers are last year’s from Sarah Flint but are still available. They are super comfortable! These are my favorite dressy sandals that I constantly wear during the holidays from Sarah Flint. Of course, these make any shoe more comfortable.





Have a great day! Stay well and Be safe! xx

Photos: Beckley & Co