Happy Friday. Are you ready or not? If you are a late shopper, you still have today and tomorrow to do it. I would be stressed out of my mind, but some people enjoy shopping the few days before Christmas. If you are one of those, my hat’s off to you, and good luck! My sister-in-law arrived last night, and we had the first family Christmas celebration here (fourteen of us) for my youngest son, his wife, and her mother since they will not be here on Christmas. We will also be hosting Christmas Eve night with about twenty-five people. It’s always one of my favorite nights! We have tons of food and have a White Elephant exchange that gets pretty trashy!

Heather and I want nuts over this stylish sherpa bomber jacket with faux leather sleeves. We love the style of it, but the gingerbread color really did it for us. I am wearing a size small because Evereve did not have the XS in store, but they are fully stocked in all sizes online. I like this bomber jacket a little oversized so that I can comfortably wear a sweater underneath it. We have both been wearing bomber jackets like crazy this fall. I still like a Moto-style jacket, but bomber jackets look so cool. I love them paired with a skirt and heels (HERE)!

I had just bought these jet-black jeans and paired them with the bomber jacket, an old black and white striped cashmere sweater, and booties (I will add a new belt in 2024!). This jacket is super cool and on sale for $115. Bomber jackets are super versatile and can be dressed up or down, depending on the fabric.






I woke up Wednesday morning with a scratchy throat and the worst drainage (I hate that word). Apparently, I have what everyone in Dallas has (I heard it lasts for three weeks). I don’t feel too bad, but I don’t feel so good either, and I am coughing like crazy. Fun times!

I am going to take the next week or so off and not bother any of you! I need a break and need to rethink what I’m doing here. My goal here has always been to inspire you on fashion and what I’m wearing over 50 ( well, 60 now!) and to remind you about checking for breast cancer. Everyone is so busy, and I don’t know if you read blogs anymore. I am not a huge fan of Instagram (however, I have to do it) and would rather concentrate on this blog. I’m just trying to figure it out.

I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. I’ve been listening to many podcasts, and it sounds like 2024 will be a doozy. I am praying for all of us to stay well, safe, and protected with zero fear! I greatly appreciate you because I couldn’t do this without you! Blessings to all of you!

Stay well and Be safe! xx


JACKET // SWEATER (old, similar) // JEANS // BELT // BAG (similar) BOOTS (similar)