5btx_c6Hm9KwtSzPFTNkIiZ-vQDT1JtPoLc3TyVI6bg dtecNez_6wX7pKsXmgD21tK0UKdmMBxWPV2hqfh_Y8Y jaTINFb_f_2E1SQ2J2vnne24M9nWSf-5vEpQ0Yb_W9I,VkpIRJIuzPv6r3atJ6y9xHkLBwpunshBycjZ0tqgrXo YQgjAMz9dvrXJU1UhBjgAwRdUpi3njKEzJWzi-6Dm3Q u7p5iKbFdvGtB1U75JqHAUYCIBfRjJuTAtRrKMebOZ0 sEVVeZwlGampdamdUez9YpKmggZzxjV9lXZHW6LQ-7s

Good Morning everyone! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I don’t know where you are, but the weather in Nashville has been unbelievably glorious! I just love fall!!! I don’t know what my problem is of late, but I have been such a homebody. I have always been one to go at the drop of a hat, but I have been feeling sort of paralyzed for a while now. Sometimes I think it might be from chemo (I blame everything on that!!!), but I really think it might be! It’s strange, but I feel like my personality is a little different after going through breast cancer. I don’t feel as “social” as I once did.  Maybe it’s just adjusting to a new place again, or maybe it’s my age, but I need to decide what I am going to do to get out of this funk! I can’t hang around my house all of the time!  Does anyone else ever feel out of sorts at times?

I did have a meeting last Friday with End Slavery Tennessee, to start volunteering with them. They help women (and some men) who have been sex trafficked. Next to Breast Cancer Awareness, this is what I am most passionate about. The whole idea of trafficking makes me so mad! Anyway…I will start soon, and hopefully after volunteering for a while, I will get to mentor a girl.

I forgot I had these photos taken in New York back in September. I’m glad I did, because the jacket I am wearing and love, is on SALE. This is the prettiest fleshy pink from (I am usually an XS, but went up a size. It’s a final sale.)! I paired it with a beautiful floral tee from Ted Baker, and of course jeans! It’s the perfect  dinner date outfit for me. I will also wear it with a gray or a striped turtleneck (thinking black and cream), and over a black leather skirt too.

That’s it for me today. Hope you all have a great day! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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Photos: Lydia Hudgens