Blue Stripe Blazer

Blue Stripe Blazer

The Blues

Hello, everyone! I hope each of you is doing well and having a good week so far! My week has been cray-cray! I have had a lot going on this week. My laptop had to be sent off to be worked on; I’m trying to finish the new room in the house before next week (the bathroom mirror arrived damaged), and I am feeling a little on the exhausted side. Plus, I just have the blues a little bit. Does that ever happen to you? Everything is good, but you just feel a bit down. I hope it’s a feeling that will exit as quickly as it hit.

The Blue Stripe Blazer

Today, (because I have the blues and this outfit is blue) I wanted to show you all this adorable blue stripe blazer. I had a fit over it when I saw the sleeve detail and the longer length; plus, the price is pretty darn good. It also comes in sand and ivory as well. I think it is a fun blazer to wear with my jeans, particularly for this time of year, although I think it will work great in the spring too. Now, how do you all feel about combat or lug sole boots? I wasn’t sure when I bought this pair last year. But I have come to love them. I think they are fun and look great with jeans or long dresses.

I tried on a pair like this last week and have a funny story about that event.

So I was at Nordstrom, and the young guy helping me brought out the pair mentioned above (these are the “it” style boot of the season). I tried them on and went over to the mirror to look. I came back and told him that I was not sure and that they sort of remind me of Herman Munster. He then said (no lie), “do you really think you can pull those off”? I thought about it and said, no, I don’t. Then, I thanked him for asking me the question and being honest. He replied with, “you are welcome”!

Uggghhh, I have never felt so old as I did at that moment. Me, a so-called fashion blogger, totally defeated! I walked away like a dog with its tail tucked! Well, I DO think I can pull off a combat boot like the ones I am wearing. They are rugged with a feminine flair!





Blue Stripe Blazer

Blue Stripe Blazer
Liza Schwartz Gold Gaga Hoops on Dallas Blogger Free People Blue Stripe Blazer on Dallas Blogger

I am headed upstairs to finish making the guest bed. I have everything from Peacock Alley now and can’t wait to see how it all looks. And I am doing the whole room around this pillow from Little Design Co. I am still looking for the right chair to add, and then I will be finished. I’m so excited to have another bedroom (making a fourth) in this house. Just in time for the holidays!

Ladies, have a great day today, and stay well! xx

Photos: Beckley & Co

Blazer // Tee // Jeans // Boots (less expensive) // Bag (similar) // Belt // Earrings